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Event schedule

FRIDAY September 5th

Race Kit Pick-Up

  • Location Valea cu Pești Hotel, time interval 16:00 – 22:30
  • Race Kit for all individual races (including KOT) can be picked up ONLY in person
  • Race Kit for Relay Teams will be  handed over in one package. The participant(s) picking up the kit should present the signed waivers by each member of the relay

Pasta Party

  • Location Valea cu Pești Hotel (Race Kit Pick-up Zone), time interval 19:00 – 21:00

Technical briefing

  • 19:30 – Technical briefing (strongly recommended)


  • Clothing for the bike descent (only for Half) – especially if the temperature will be very low at the summit, OPTIONALLY, the organizers provide the transport for one bag/participant to Bâlea, at the end of the climb.
  • Clothing for the finsh for all participants (Olympic and Half) – especially if the temperature will be very low, OPTIONAL, the organizers provide the transport for one bag/participant to the finish area.


PLEASE HAND-OVER THE THINGS YOU NEED TO BE TRANSPORTED, ON FRIDAY AT THE KIT PICK-UP, UNTIL 20:30 and don’t forget to write your name on the bag, in order to identify it.

SATURDAY September 6th

Car traffic shall be COMPLETELY closed within the interval 08:00 – 18:00.

  • Please take into account this aspect and that, for athletes’ safety reasons, we cannot make any exception to allow the access within this interval, for any participant or his/her family, no matter the situation.
  • Starting from 11:00, a special boat for participants and their families/friends will connect Valea cu Pești Hotel and Vidraru dam.


  • The distance between the Transition area (Valea cu Pești) and FINISH is 9 km.

  • Between 07:00 and 08:00 it will be possible to park BEFORE the transition area (starting from 200 m away). Parking will be done AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE on the right side of the road.

  • Between 09:15 and 10:15, AFTER THE SWIM START, THE SUPPORTERS WILL BE ABLE TO CARRY THE CARS close to the dam.

  • During the interval 10:15 – the end of the contest, THE HANDLING OF CARS IS PROHIBITED BETWEEN VALEA CU PEȘTI AND VIDRARU DAM.

  • Warning! At 18:00, the traffic will be opened from the Vidraru dam and a large flow of cars is expected.

The rastel will be guarded until 19:00, it is important to collect your bikes by this time.

07:00 Closing of the car traffic at Vidraru dam and Bâlea
07:45 Opening of the transition area and gear checking
08:30 START KOT – King of Transfagarasan
08:45 Closing of the transition area
09:00 START swim Transfier 70.3
09:20 START swim Transfier Olympic
10:15 Cut-off time for bike start Transfier 70.3
13:50 Cut-off time to finish line Transfier Olimpic (4h 30)
15:30 Cut-off time to run start Transfier 70.3 (6h 30)
15:30 Opening of the transition area for gear pick-up
(both for Olympic and Half participants);
the gear can be picked-up until 19:00 the latest
18:00 Cut-off time to finish line Transfier 70.3 (9h)
18:00 Opening of car traffic
19:30 AWARDS CEREMONY (Valea cu Pești)
20:30 AFTER PARTY (Valea cu Pești)


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